Friday, 15 May 2009


LaLa said...

I could totally use a talking toilet. Except mine would give me random information!!

Brian Hughes said...


It'd be all right until it started to clear its throat.

Unknown said...

I'm just glad it wasn't number two. Thanks for that!

Brian Hughes said...


That'd be the captain's log.

Lad Litter said...

Hilarious on all levels. But mostly because it's got a toilet in it.

Not sure if you've made inroads into the Trekkie market yet. Look out for comments in Klingon.

Brian Hughes said...


Klingons don't bother me. A bit of bog roll soon sorts 'em out.

Ozfemme said...

Look, he's even putting the seat down! Miracles do happen!

Brian Hughes said...


That's because Beverly Crusher left it up.

Ann ODyne said...

I wanted to comment on Cyril above, getting 7 buckets of shit kicked out of him ...
but there's 7 comments there and I love the synchronicity

Brian Hughes said...

Seven, the mystic prime of Sorcerers...and also an extremely bad (not to mention incredibly ill-informed) film about a serial killer with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.