Saturday, 5 April 2008


Daisy said...

Ah Brian, if only...

Good one!

Anonymous said...

I shall use that to great comedic effect.

Brian Hughes said...

Thank you chaps.

Andrew, if you can use this cartoon to great comedic effect then it'll be an accomplishment I've never managed to attain with it.

LaLa said...

Hahahaha! I'm so glad I clicked your name from "Seven Words or Less".

Brian Hughes said...


I knew that annoying the 'Seven Words or Less' board with my constant wittering would eventually pay off.

Ozfemme said...

Have you been peeping in my window? You have, haven't you!!!

Brian Hughes said...


Only for the purposes for interior design inspiration, I swear.

JahTeh said...

One fat lady joke is excusable, two and it's defenestration.

Brian Hughes said...

I thought two fat ladies was half an hour of mindless boredom courtesy of the BBC license payer.

Anonymous said...

Don't put down the fat ladies, that motorbike and sidecar was great.

This is an awesome illustration.

Brian Hughes said...

Actually 'M' I quite liked the Two Fat Ladies (now, sadly, One Fat Lady and One Rapidly Getting Thinner Lady) if only because of their refreshingly blunt attitude towards meat: "What a splendid looking pig. Are those its offspring?" "Arh!" "Well slash it's throat then and we'll have it for dinner." "Want me to wrap it?" "No...I'll eat it raw."